Greenhouses, Agriculture, Animal/Poultry housing, Shade installations, Brightness-Dependent control of artificial light, Quality control, Building automation, Meteorology...etc
Specifications of LXT- 401
※Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ordering information

Greenhouses, Agriculture, Animal/Poultry housing, Shade installations, Brightness-Dependent control of artificial light, Quality control, Building automation, Meteorology...etc
- Available with either current(4 to 20mA) or voltage output
- On-site, Two points calibration(Zero and Span)
- Weather resistant housing and prevents the trapping of water or dust
- Silicon photo sensor provide good match to light spectrum and long-term stability
- User selectable range in 0~200,000 LUX, with fine adjustment
- Mounts easily, Low cost
Specifications of LXT- 401
※Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ordering information